If you haven’t visited Japan yet, I can bet it’s on your bucket list. On the other hand, if you have, you know how expensive it can be. As always, simple lifehacks can decrease your travelling costs significantly.
Solo rider or a social traveler?
If you’re a social traveler, look for special offers for group tickets for flying or accommodation. Preferably, find a team mate who’s already been to Japan to help you with it. It’s always easier if you have traveling companions.
Of course, if you’re a solo rider, you can still use online services for group travel discounts. For example, you can find fellow travelers who love Japan as much as you, but never visited or are planning to get back there, and plan out a trip with them. Based on a good old principle – you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours.
More about Japan and group travel discounts here
Traveling in Japan
Japan is famous for its railroads and trains, which are probably the fastest in the world. This, however, became the reason it’s being overpriced. Believe it or not, you can easily travel by bus.
More info about bus ticket prices here
Eating cheap and healthy in Japan is real thing
In Japan, “fast food” isn’t about junk food, lots of saturated fat and pork. Fast food in Japan is all about miso, rice, fish, etc. Prices go from $1 to $6. You will also find many restaurants with machine vendors where you can order food, pay, and just take the receipt to the cook.