Chopsticks manners&taboos; you can be a Chopstick Master!

Chopsticks manners&taboos; you can be a Chopstick Master!

Have you ever used chopsticks? Yeah, probably many people have this experience. However, do you have a confident that you use them right way? Here, 9 basic manners and taboos to use chopsticks in Japan. If you read this article, maybe you can be a chopstick master!? Check it out!

①Sashi-bashi (指し箸)

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Can you find the wrong practice in this picture? This couple looks normal. However, the practice of the husband is inappropriate. You should not point at people with your chopsticks.

②Mayoi-bashi (迷い箸)

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This practice is Waving chopsticks. Even though you can’t decide which food you will eat next, you should not wave your chopsticks above foods.

③Kami-bashi (噛み箸)

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You should not bite chopsticks. Probably it is easy for foreigners to try not to do this practice.

④Namida-bashi (涙箸)

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This practice is called Dripping chopsticks. You should not move your chopsticks to your mouth if the liquid is still dripping from your chopsticks.

⑤Sashi-bashi (刺し箸)

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This is different from first one(Sashi-bashi 指し箸). This is also taboo. You should not stick foods with your chopsticks like this picture. Especially, sticking foods with them is used at Buddha funeral. So it is taboo in the daily life.

⑥Watashi-bashi (渡し箸)

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This practice is wrong! Many people do this, but when you don’t use your chopsticks, you should not put them on rice bowls or other dishes. Putting them on the table or a chopstick rest is good.

⑦Tataki-bashi (叩き箸)

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You should not tap dishes with chopsticks like musical instruments. In Japan, many children play with chopsticks like this, but their parents scold them…

⑧Furi-bashi (振り箸)

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This practice is similar to Mayoi-bashi (迷い箸). You should not swing your chopsticks.When people are excited, they sometimes do it unconsciously. Please be careful!

⑨Awase-bashi (合わせ箸)

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This is the most taboo practice.It is also called Hashi-watashi(箸渡し). You must not pass food directly from your chopsticks to another’s chopsticks. The reason why this practice is taboo is that this is only used when people pick the human’s bone together at Buddha funeral.These are manners and taboos of using chopsticks. For you, are these too many or too strict? There are still more applied manners and taboos in Japan. Please try just these manners first! Then you can be a chopstick master!

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